February 04, 2025 By Breanna Collins
I was freshly 18 years old when I had my firstborn. I was induced at 37w for preeclampsia without severe features (+4 protein, edema, and high bp). My bp remained elevated for a couple weeks after and I remember being prescribed labetolol but not taking it seriously due to not really knowing the complications and also partly thinking “it could never happen to me”. Luckily I did not suffer postpartum preeclampsia.
6 years later I am in the hospital being induced at 36w due to preeclampsia with severe features (high bp, headache, protein in urine) - was put on a mag drip that night and had the baby out by the next afternoon. They monitored me for a couple days in which I kept telling them something was wrong. I remember my chest being tight and I felt panicky. I was given gas medicine (they figured it might be gas) and also anxiety medicine “since I had a history of anxiety”, and sent home on labetolol. I watched my BP a couple times and it crept up to around 150/90 in which my OB doubled the dose of labetolol. The night after Christmas something just felt off. I took my BP and it read 189/112. I immediately panicked. I paced the house and started to hyperventilate (single mom, it was just me and my 2 kids at home!) I managed to calm down and retake my BP and it went down a little so I figured it was nerves too, I took melatonin and just went to bed.
I immediately called my dr in the morning who advised me to come in after retaking it and it reading 160/100. I dropped the kids off and sped to the hospital. On the way up to L&D from the parking lot I felt out of breath and just felt like I wasn’t going to make it. Once I did make it, they got me in, retook my BP and it was 188/112. The nurse called the dr who came in herself to watch it get taken, in which it was even higher. I was given fast acting procardia and sent to the L&D unit again. Since I didnt have severe features, I didn’t get the mag drip but it took several labetolol pushes to get my bp down and now it is controlled with procardia XL. I just remember thinking to myself if I had kept chalking this up to “anxiety” I would not be here to write this today.
My perfect daughter, Katie, gave birth to her first child just eight days before she passed away due to postpartum complications. Her deliver...