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Listen To Your Body

March 03, 2025 By Jenna Soles

Listen To Your Body

My pregnancy with my second child was riddled with complications. At 31 weeks I was admitted to the hospital for 8 days for threatened preterm labour. Throughout my stay I expressed concerns about blood pressures that were higher than my normal blood pressure, feeling pressure in my chest, and shortness of breath. These concerns were dismissed as "normal parts of pregnancy" despite me feeling like something just wasn't right and a diagnosis of fetal IUGR. Despite this, I was discharged home at my request as I didn't feel like there was a point in staying admitted anymore. At 33+6 weeks, I went back to the hospital for severe abdominal pain. Testing was done and it was confirmed that I had severe preeclampsia and had also developed HELLP syndrome and was immediately induced. It was an incredibly traumatic birth experience as they had lost my son's heart rate when I was pushing and had to call for more help emergently. My son spent a very long time in the NICU and I have a hard time trusting medical professionals now as I'm worried I won't be taken seriously if another problem comes up. Therapy has been helpful in my healing journey and I'm so grateful for support from the NICU team and my support system after birth.