Move preeclampsia research forward for other women like you
Patients like you are central to moving preeclampsia research forward.
Although we now understand more about what causes preeclampsia, there are still so many unanswered questions that your experience can help us understand:
All of these questions and more are being studied by researchers around the world and right here, thanks in no small part to the Preeclampsia Foundation community and our continued drive to fund and support research on preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
As a patient, the choice to participate in any research study is up to you. Here’s how YOU can get involved.
The Preeclampsia Registry is a secure research database that brings your pregnancy experience(s), medical information and even your DNA, if you wish, together with leading researchers to make preeclampsia a disease of the past.
As a participant, you will join thousands of other women and families in supporting several research studies to accelerate the discoveries of the causes of preeclampsia and better options for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
In addition, is a database of most federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. This is a valuable resource to search for clinical trials in your area and to learn more about preeclampsia studies.
Patients are the benefactors of medical research and in the past,were often viewed as passive subjects to further new treatments and understandings of medicine. Today we have seen a shift thanks in part to advocacy organizations like ours, to recognize patients as more than "just an n-value" to involve patients in the design, implementation, and analysis of research studies.
Your experiences help researchers at every stage of the research process: from study design, to recruitment, to driving participation, and even sharing results.
The Preeclampsia Foundation is regularly invited to provide your patient perspective as members of our community. For more information about patients as research partners and other ways to participate in research, please contact our Research Manager.
It is our collective voice that reduces isolation for others, raises awareness and improves healthcare practices. Let's raise up our voices so more women know about preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome and less women have adverse outcomes!
Your story is needed to improve outcomes for moms like you. Add your voice to critical preeclampsia research to ensure that every story is heard.
Frequently asked questions about the Preeclampsia Registry, a patient-driven registry and biobank.
The Preeclampsia Foundation offers research funding, study recruitment, and other patient engagement services to researchers.
We provide research grant funding to advance progress towards detection, prevention, or treatment of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
For more on the Preeclampsia Foundation's work to amplify all research related to biomarkers for improved prediction and diagnostic tools, please visit INDIANAPOL...
By Amanda Yang, MS Evidence-based healthcare comes from trustworthy research. Research is designed carefully, so that it can be repeated and tested by other scientists. Wrong information or bad data...
By Sig-Linda Jacobsen, MD Neurological symptoms are not uncommon in those who have preeclampsia. The most common symptom is severe headache. Some patients may also experience eclampsia, or seizu...
Summary by Jennifer Mitchell, MPH, PhD Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can happen during pregnancy and affects 2-8% of pregnancies around the world. It can cause health problems for both the...
By Julie Reynolds, MD and Laney Poye As the Foundation often shares, research shows that women with a history of preeclampsia are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD)...