We've invested over 2 million dollars in preeclampsia research
September 2024 - The 2025 Peter Joseph Pappas Research Grant LOI application process is currently closed.
Letters of Intent were to be submitted electronically via e-mail to PJPGrants@preeclampsia.org no later than Friday, August 30, 2024. We have closed the LOI period. Those invited by the scientific review committee and Preeclampsia Foundation's Board of Directors to submit full applications must do so by Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Award decisions will be rendered in December 2024. Winners will be announced in February 2025.
Named for the infant son of preeclampsia survivor Lauren Pappas and her husband Clement, the program seeks to award multiple grants totaling up to $200,000 each year. The ultimate goal of this grant program is to drive research that will eliminate the delivery of pre-term babies as an intervention for severe preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Read more about the Peter Joseph Pappas Research Grant Program.
Questions? Contact PJPGrants@preeclampsia.org
May 2024 - The 2024 Vision Grant cycle is now closed.
Vision Grants are intended to provide initial funding for novel, innovative research by promising young investigators that will advance progress towards detection, prevention, or treatment of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Post-doctoral, Clinical Fellows, or Early Stage Investigators only are eligible to apply. Projects with potential to alter clinical management and improve patient outcomes will receive priority, but any well-considered research proposal will be accepted for review. International applications are welcome; however, submissions must be in English. The Foundation has committed to funding grants that address known research knowledge gaps.
Questions? Contact VisionGrants@preeclampsia.org
Researchers, please contact our Research Manager if you would like the Preeclampsia Foundation to help you recruit participants for a research study or focus group, or have any questions about the Preeclampsia Registry.
Your story is needed to improve outcomes for moms like you. Add your voice to critical preeclampsia research to ensure that every story is heard.
Frequently asked questions about the Preeclampsia Registry, a patient-driven registry and biobank.
The Preeclampsia Foundation offers research funding, study recruitment, and other patient engagement services to researchers.
For more on the Preeclampsia Foundation's work to amplify all research related to biomarkers for improved prediction and diagnostic tools, please visit https://preeclampsia.org/biomarkers. INDIANAPOL...
By Amanda Yang, MS Evidence-based healthcare comes from trustworthy research. Research is designed carefully, so that it can be repeated and tested by other scientists. Wrong information or bad data...
By Sig-Linda Jacobsen, MD Neurological symptoms are not uncommon in those who have preeclampsia. The most common symptom is severe headache. Some patients may also experience eclampsia, or seizu...
Summary by Jennifer Mitchell, MPH, PhD Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can happen during pregnancy and affects 2-8% of pregnancies around the world. It can cause health problems for both the...
By Julie Reynolds, MD and Laney Poye As the Foundation often shares, research shows that women with a history of preeclampsia are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD)...