February 04, 2025 By Hannah McGrew
Today 8 yrs ago,3 Am I was woken up by my dog staring at me. Whenever I actually woke up I realized I was hurting pretty bad in my upper area of my stomach. 37 weeks pregnant I thought maybe I was having these Braxton hicks contractions everyone talked about, so i woke Wes up and told him if it continued I would call OB. I then again got woke up by my dog at 6 Am and the pain was UNREAL. I got up and called OB and the usual answer is "drink some water, take some Tylenol and take a warm shower. If it doesn't calm in about an hour call back"
Then it seemed like something was in my eye but every time I blinked it wouldn't go away, my vision was starting to get blurry. I called OB and she asked how far along my contraction pains were and I explained that they were constant and now my vision was blurry. I could hear how worried she sounded and she asked me to get there asap.
Whenever getting to the hospital I was now hurting so bad I could barely walk. The ER was full and I remember feeling like I was going to pee right there in front of everyone but whenever I went to the bathroom I couldnt. The OB nurse finally got down to get me and hurried me upstairs where she asked me to weigh myself, I got on the scale and she asked me what the number was and my vision was so blurry I couldn't even read the numbers. She rushed me to the room helped me remove my clothes and threw a gown on me. She put a blood pressure cuff on and my blood pressure was 189/138.
She put the straps around my belly that I had looked forward to seeing. (at this point I just thought I was in labor this was my first pregnancy so I didn't know how contractions should feel I wasn't aware that these nurses were being so quiet because they basically already knew what was happening.I was so excited to meet my little boy. She turned the monitor on and all we could hear was a muffled silence.
She moved the monitor on my belly several times and just stared at the screen with a blank face. This was when I knew.
All she would say was "Were just waiting for the doctor to get here, everything's gonna be okay"
I just ignored them all and stared at the ceiling. Going over the last few months in my head. My pregnancy was fine. I didn't even have morning sickness. Then I remembered, my last 3 appointments I had protein in my urine which is a sign of preeclampsia, my doctor mentioned it but said he wasn't worried about it though because I hadn't had high enough blood pressure along with it. I was a little concerned so he scheduled a 24/hour urine(which I had turned in yesterday)
I realized this is what is happening. This CANT be happening though.
My doctor wasn't on call, so I was going to have a different one. At this point I thought I was going to die from this pain I had in between my rib cage
She came into the room and introduced herself but I could tell she was concerned, she tried the monitor then too, then proceeded to tell me she hated to say this but that she could not find my little boys heartbeat.
Hub asked for an ultrasound though even though I tried to explain there wasn't a point. But wanted it anyway, which gladly ordered to come confirm for us.
I remember the young girl coming to do my little babies last ultrasound to confirm what I already knew. he was gone. His heart did not have the flicker I had saw so many times. I pushed so hard and finally 10:22 PM. I held my baby. I was in the hospital for 7 days, had to wait to bury him for 7 days, I had to bury him. Don’t overlook preeclampsia.
My perfect daughter, Katie, gave birth to her first child just eight days before she passed away due to postpartum complications. Her deliver...