February 08, 2025 By Ariel Mejia
I am a two time preeclampsia survivor. My first daughter I had in 2022 I was diagnosed around 35 weeks after having high blood pressure which they considered chronic my entire pregnancy! I was induced at 37 weeks to avoid complications and had my sweet girl! Unfortunately they had missed IUGR in my ultrasounds caused by my preeclampsia so my little girl was a tiny little 5 pound warrior but needed no nicu time!
My second daughter I had in April 2024! My entire pregnancy I had no issues at all! Four days postpartum at home I started to feel dizzy and my head was pounding so I decided to take my blood pressure and it was very high. I went to the emergency room and was admitted with postpartum preeclampsia. They put me on a mag drip but I wasn’t able to stay on it because I was allergic to the magnesium. Fortunately I was able to find the right medication and by my 6 week postpartum appointment I came off my meds and have had no problems since!
My perfect daughter, Katie, gave birth to her first child just eight days before she passed away due to postpartum complications. Her deliver...