Amy’s Story

May 06, 2024 By Amy Conkling

Amy’s Story

My first pregnancy I had pre-eclampsia, but it wasn’t very severe. After my induction everything turned out fine. The second pregnancy was very rough. I ended up with pre-eclampsia and when I went to deliver I was shaking so bad it took 2 times to get the epidural in. After the staff kept yelling at me, and I could not control it. I was induced and delivered fine. I was discharged with the shaking still happening. I went back to the ER for the shaking and the pain in my back and migraines and they thought they nicked my spinal cord when doing the epidural, so they did a blood patch. That did not help at all. They sent me home once again. Then in a couple days I and ended up having a grand mal seizure in my kitchen. My husband rushed me to the ER, where I had another. From then on for two days I don’t remember anything and still get random flashbacks and PTSD. I woke up in the ICU where I was administered 4 bags of magnesium. After getting moved out of the ICU they didn’t know where to treat me since I was the first one in the hospital history to have post partum eclampsia.