November 21, 2024 By Rachel Payne
My 3rd pregnancy was much more difficult than the first two. I was misdiagnosed and treated for bronchitis and sinus infections for a couple months before being diagnosed with asthma and pregnancy rhinitis with nasal polyps. Then one night, at 35 weeks pregnant, I was up puking all night, I tried to sleep on the bathroom floor. In the morning I was so puffy and swollen, and my blood pressure was 170/110. My husband and I went to the hospital and right away, a resident told me I would have to deliver that day because it was preeclampsia. We were shocked. The nurse wanted to wring his neck for scaring us, but later admitted he was right. We started the mag, antibiotics, fluids, cervidil, and at some point pitocin, but made no progress. I was also throwing up here and there. Then my labs showed my platelets dropping. They were going to do a c section and we ended up doing it with general anesthesia and no epidural or spinal because of the risks. When I woke up, they started the fundal checks, pushing my belly with an open wound without any pain management. It felt like torture. I don't think I saw my baby til the next day because I was just struggling to stay afloat... then my numbers kept worsening and I needed blood transfusions. I was so weak, so exhausted, and it felt like death had come to take me. Thankfully, I started to improve after the blood transfusions and my baby girl was healthy, but tiny. She was 4 pounds 6 ounces and only needed oxygen for the first hour. She stayed in the nicu for several days while I tried to regain strength. Birth trauma is so real. It feels like part of my strength died while going through it all.
God asked me to take a journey a never wanted to go on. As a maternal and child health professional, I always had ideas about the way pregnan...