May 01, 2024 By Porsche Holland-Otunba
I made it through my first pregnancy and birth in 2017 with no issues and was sure preeclampsia had skipped me. Both my mother and grandmother faced preeclampsia with their first pregnancies and unfortunately granny experienced a loss. When I discovered my second pregnancy I was determined to have a homebirth but thanks to a recent chronic hypertension diagnosis it didn't work out. As a connected birth worker in Philly I sought care from a trusted Certified Nurse Midwife who I had worked with in the past and absolutely love. I remember running into her arms at our first prenatal appointment in tears, concerned for my new baby and still grieving from the trauma of my first birth journey. She lovingly held me and we worked as a team to monitor trends and address a few BP scares throughout my pregnancy. At the close of my 39 week appointment she took a BP reading (as we always did) and it was terribly high. She encouraged me to go to the hospital as this reading solidified what trends from frequent screening was pointing to... preeclampsia was my reality. I was facing another unplanned induction and baby the tears were flowing. I knew it was necessary but it sucked that there were no other options to achieve a vaginal birth. I had great love and support from hubby, my Doula, and local birth workers (who I call family) so we went for it. Early methods went well and my body responded beautifully. But with continuous heart rate dips I eventually made the call for a cesarean, hand picked my surgical team, prayed, and prepared for the OR. The cesarean was successful and we were both well. My body responded well to medication and soon after birth BP readings became favorable (for my norm). I am still battling hypertension today but it's well controlled with medication. I stand as a blessed third generation preeclampsia survivor. I stand grateful for no major complications.
I stand joyful over the diligence and care of my amazing midwife who ensured I was heard and literally saved my life.
My perfect daughter, Katie, gave birth to her first child just eight days before she passed away due to postpartum complications. Her deliver...