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His Name Is Ben

January 02, 2025 By Sharon Corner

His Name Is Ben

I started complaining about a pain just under my ribs in June, my doctor noted me commenting on it on June 26th. When I told my ob/gyn about the pain, I was first told it was my child kicking. I reminded the doctor this was my 5th pregnancy, and my 3rd live birth but he didn’t take me seriously, at least that is how I felt. The pain kept getting worse, I went to the ER and was sent home with prescription Zantac.Finally, when the pain was so horrific, we went back. The md reached out to UVA and they knew what it was, I was rushed there and my son was delivered. 7 blood transfusions, 6 6 packs of platelets. The swelling then came, and my c-section ripped open. I also had surgery for hemorrhaging. Soon after, my thyroid died. I never felt right afterwards. Exhaustion, body aches, vision migraines. I started a Facebook page, I constantly talk about it to anyone I can. People need to know that women die, babies die. I told one friend about it, she was pregnant. She couldn’t remember what i had told her when she began having symptoms and her son died. I will do whatever I can to spread the word about HELLP