November 14, 2024 By Irene Modeste
Throughout my pregnancy, my overall health and blood pressure were great. I had a complication-free delivery and was discharged from the hospital feeling relieved and grateful. Little did I know that postpartum preeclampsia would catch me off guard just days later, as I was settling into life as a new mom, adjusting to nursing, and functioning on limited sleep.
It started with blurred vision, which I initially brushed off as sleep deprivation. Then, I felt a pain in my upper right abdomen, and I recalled the nurse mentioning this symptom on my discharge paperwork. Concerned, I called the labor and delivery department. The nurse and doctor instructed me to check my blood pressure. Fortunately, we had a monitor at home, and it read 175/110. The doctor advised us to return to labor and delivery immediately.
This was during the height of the pandemic in 2020, so my husband and our six-day-old baby had to wait in the car while I went back into the hospital. The staff was prepared for my arrival, and as soon as they checked my blood pressure, it had spiked to 202/120. The rest was a blur of doctors and nurses rushing to stabilize me. I remember crying, desperate to see my baby. Due to COVID protocols, it took a couple of hours to get the necessary approvals for my husband and baby to join me in the room.
After treatment, extensive testing, and three days in the hospital, my blood pressure was stabilized, and I was discharged. Reflecting on my experience, I realize how fortunate I am to have recovered, knowing that with a reading of 202/120, I was at serious risk of cardiac arrest, stroke, brain damage or further complications.
I encourage women to get informed about the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia and to discuss any risk factors with their medical provider. Most importantly, monitor blood pressure during and after pregnancy, and contact a medical provider or seek emergency treatment if readings are above 140/90.
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